Tuesday, November 30, 2010

More Pictures

The last of "picture catch-up".

This is probably my favorite picture of Austin. It's just so "him".

I like to think he was laughing with delight, as this picture may lead to you believe, but he was actually screaming. But I thought it was so cute that he had his feet propped up and crossed that I had to get a quick picture.

This is actually a little baseball cap but you can't really tell in this picture. He looked so adorable.

Ya know, some babies just aren't that cute but you always tell the parents that they are. Thankfully, I never have to wonder if people are lying to me because he really is so precious!

First Family Pictures

These were taken at Pauline and Charles Butler's house after Austin's baby dedication.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Picture Overload

Dressed by Auntie KK

In the sun trying to get his Bilirubin level up

Leaving the hospital-Our future Red Raider

Photo session

Here are a few pictures that I took of our little one

Austin Brynn-

We love you so much sweet boy. You are six weeks old and going on 13 years old. Here are a few things about you:

-You were delivered by Dr. Brady Locke at Midland Memorial Hospital in Midland, Texas on October 14th at 6:22p.m. weighing 9 lbs. 10 oz. and were 21 1/2 inches long.
-I took you to the doctor a week ago and you're up to 10lbs. 10oz. Way to go!
-Your middle name is very special. Daddy had a friend named Brynn Joel Naylor. He was a hero. He was a soldier in Iraq and gave his life for his country and for our freedom about three years ago. We owe him so much and wanted to honor him by naming you after him.
-You have given me the privilege of nursing you and it is some of my favorite times with you. (Oh no. I'm getting all weepy.) Although it hasn't always been easy, the bond between us is unlike anything I have ever experienced so it is absolutely worth it.
-Because you were so big, you lost over a pound in a few days so I had to give you formula after you would drink my milk. We've been able to get off of it for the most part but sometimes you're just hungry.
-You HATE getting your diaper changed. You cry this awful cry like it's coming from the depths of your little soul. It kills me.
-I've tried to explain to you that baths are a necessary evil but I don't think you're convinced. But, Daddy gave you a bath last night and you didn't cry at all. Maybe you do get it after all.

-Your Tia Melissa keeps you while I work and I miss you like crazy but you are good for her and things are going well. Your cousin Samantha likes to hold your hand when you lay on the bed together.
-Some nights you sleep for 5 or 6 hours and other nights you are up every two hours. No rhyme or reason.
-You were dedicated by Pops at First Baptist Church, Roswell on October 31st. It was a precious time that I will never forget. Although I don't think you were impressed because you yawned three times.
-You sure love your Daddy. He can make you smile so big. I love watching you two together.

-You've started making some noises. I'll hold you close and you'll make cooing noises. This usually happens after I feed you and I'm convinced you're saying "Thank you". You already have such good manners!
-You're already wearing 3 months clothes. Slow down!
-Your Momo was able to come to Roswell when we were there for your baby dedication. She is so sweet with you and just loved all over you.
-Grammy and I were able to take you to Amarillo to meet your Great Grandmommy. She loves you, kiddo! She would sit and talk to you all day long. She sang you songs and just loved on you. I fear that she'll be in Heaven before you get a chance to really know her. She's an amazing woman. If you have a sister, she'll be named after her.

We can't imagine life without you, Austin Brynn.

"I Want an Epidural"

Looking back on my labor and delivery, I would not change a thing. I feel like we made all the right decisions and had a great experience. I'll definitely do it again.

My birth plan went like this:

1) We want a healthy baby and will do whatever necessary to make that happen.
2) I want an epidural.
3) I want an epidural.
4) I want an epidural.

Did I mention that I wanted an epidural?

We got all checked in and the nurse came to start my IV. In all honesty, that was the worst part. I have never felt pain like that before. It was unbelievably awful. We watched the last of the Chilean miners being rescued and went back to sleep.

My contractions started to hurt but I wanted to hold out as long as possible without the epidural since it's been known to slow down labor. I got to a 4 and said I was ready.

The anesthesiologist came in and I gave him a thumbs up and said "You're my best friend". He said he hears that a lot. Once it kicked in, it was smooth sailing. I slept most of the time and only woke up to throw up. That was not so much fun but it paid off in the end. (Explanation to follow)

I woke up around 4:00 and knew that I was ready to go. I told my nurse and she checked and said I was at 9 3/4 and I could start pushing. My family headed to the waiting room and their wait began. My doctor came to check on me a few times which was really great. His office is on the same floor as labor and delivery at the hospital so he was able to come check on me throughout the day. I would push during contractions and fall asleep between contractions. It worked out pretty well. I will venture to say that the best sight I have ever seen in my entire life was when my doctor walked in wearing his scrubs. I knew we were close. As I mentioned before, I threw up five times. My doctor commented that they were some of my best pushes. So I guess it was worth it. I pushed for awhile and he said I wasn't going to get him out on my own so he gave me a choice: forceps or a c-section. I wanted to avoid a c-section if I could so he used the forceps and out he came! All 9 lbs. 10 oz. of him. When my doctor kept commenting on his size I knew I had a linebacker on my hands. I ended up pushing for 2 hours and 22 minutes. But as they all say, when the doctor laid him on my stomach, it was all worth it. Because he was so big, the trauma to my body was pretty devastating. I'll stop there for your sake. Just know that it was rough.

We were able to go home on Saturday, 10/16, and start our life as a family of 3!

One Proud Daddy!

Just a couple hours old

I'm Pregnant!

In May of 2008, Stephen and I decided I would stop my birth control. We had been married for a year and a half and felt that whenever the Lord chose to bless us with a child, He would. We did not "try" for a baby, we just felt led to trust the Lord and His timing.

It's a little under two years later and no baby. We were not discouraged but didn't quite understand.

In January of 2010 we were living in Dumas, Texas and found out that Stephen was going to be transferred to Midland, Texas. He had to be there within a week so I packed up our apartment and finished things there. He and his brother, Oscar, came back home on February 19th and we packed up the moving truck. That night I had a dream that forever changed our lives. In my dream, I was looking in the mirror and telling myself that I was pregnant. I woke up and knew that we would be meeting our precious baby in a few months. I was very careful to not lift anything heavy and took it very easy during the move, just in case. After Oscar left, we bought a pregnancy test and I took it the next morning. I was not surprised that it was positive! No need to take another one. I knew.

I walked out of the bathroom and into our bedroom where Stephen was still asleep and said "I'm pregnant". He jumped out of bed and embraced me. We cried together out of happiness and sheer terror that the Lord would trust us to raise one of His children.

We called our parents. Socorro said "Finally!" Robert said "I'm gonna be a granddaddy!" and Kay said "Hot Dog!" The thought then hit me that my parents would be coming home for his birth and I got teary once again.

I had a fairly easy pregnancy. We were blessed with an amazing doctor. I could not have asked for a better experience. I had some rough days and realized that it's much easier to throw up when sitting on the side of the bathtub instead of sitting on my knees on the floor.

Thankfully, my only complication was Gestational Diabetes. I was able to control it with diet so it was no big deal.

When the sonographer told us it was a boy, Stephen jumped out of his chair, raised his hands in victory and cried "YES!" (He wasn't the least bit excited-Ha!) We both had a pretty strong feeling it was a boy so we weren't really surprised.

Austin measured consistently big so when my doctor asked if I wanted to be induced, we decided to schedule it for my due date of October 14th. Mom and Dad were flying in on the 10th so we hoped he would hold on until then. That sweet boy did exactly as we asked and on October 14th at 4:00am we checked into the hospital.